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EstadoMiggie   (M002330)
Excelente língua (1)Chinês, mandarim, Traditional Somente [Chinese, Mandarin, Traditional Only]
Excelente língua (2)Chinês, Min [Chinese, Min]
Estudar língua (1)Inglês [English]
Estudar língua (2)Chinês, mandarim, Traditional Somente [Chinese, Mandarin, Traditional Only]
Estudar língua (3)Chinês, mandarim, simplificado Somente [Chinese, Mandarin, Simplified Only]
Troca Local (1)Taiwan
Troca Local (2)Qualquer Lugar
Última modificação2015-03-05
Descriçãohi. I'm from Taiwan.
My English is not good. So I came here looking for foreigners to practice English.
My English degree only speaks the most simple English sentence .

Because of my study time can not be fixed, so I hope that through learning messages, video, along with teaching the other language.

If you are interested in Chinese,I will teach you patience Chinese

We strive to learn the language of it!
Thank you very much.

Can I be your friend?

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