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Estadovocaq360   (M000418)
Excelente língua (1)Chinês, mandarim [Chinese, Mandarin]
Excelente língua (2)Inglês [English]
Estudar língua (1)Korean
Estudar língua (2)Japonês [Japanese]
Estudar língua (3)Espanhol [Spanish]
Troca Local (1)Taiwan :: Kaohsiung City :: Fongshan District
Última modificação2008-05-26
DescriçãoHi~~I'm looking for people can speaking Korea or Japan or Spainish....I live in south of TW, cannot easy to find the people to exchage language. If you are intereste in change language, I'm glade to speak English with you.^.^ (By the way, I can speak English & Chinese & a little bit Korean)
哈囉~~我想找一個可以說韓文 或 日文 或 班牙文的人做語言交換。因為我住在南部大鎮-高雄,所以不太容易找到語言交換的人。所以,若您有興趣語言交換,我很樂意用英文(說得不錯喔)或中文跟您一起學習(我會說一點點韓文)哦!
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