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EstadoDorine   (M001787)
Excelente língua (1)Chinês, mandarim, Traditional Somente [Chinese, Mandarin, Traditional Only]
Excelente língua (2)Inglês [English]
Excelente língua (3)Francês [French]
Estudar língua (1)Inglês [English]
Estudar língua (2)Grego [Greek]
Estudar língua (3)Francês [French]
Troca Local (1)Taiwan
Última modificação2011-07-30

I am a junior college student in taiwan .
Just like lots of people around the world ,
the reason why I learn english is it is used in everywhere .

Many student in our country would choose senior high school ,
not junior college .

Maybe that is the difference among us ,
I have make up my mind to follow my dream .

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