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회원betty   (M001032)
우수한 언어(1)중국어, 만다린 [Chinese, Mandarin]
배우고 싶은 언어(1)영어 [English]
공부 방법을이메일 (E-mail)
온라인으로 채팅 [Windows Live Messenger(MSN)]
온라인으로 채팅 [기타; 같은 Skype, AOL/Aim, Jabber, ICQ...]
최종 갱신일2009-03-08
서술An English teacher in senior high school.
I plan to teach Chinese oversea to explore different cultures and enrich my experience about teaching and language. I wish to have some friends who are native speakers of English.
By the way, I have received some training about TCSL(Teaching Chinese as Second Language)in NKNU(Kaohsiung Normal University)and have a certificate.
Being a Christian, I would like to meet more devoted Christians and share life and everything. Look forward to meeting some new friends.

에게 메시지를 남겨 "betty"
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