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회원Smilehumanbeing   (M002452)
배우고 싶은 언어(1)영어 [English]
공부 위치 (1)대만 :: Taipei City
공부 위치 (2)대만 :: New Taipei City :: Sinjhuang District
최종 갱신일2021-04-19
서술My name is Chi-Cheng Huang
My English name is Steven
And I’m jobless and not a student...I don’t have professional skills
I’m a learner.
When I was in elementary school, I was learning
Piano, trumpet, music theory and sight singing and dictation.
I didn't continue music class after I graduated from elementary school.
In 2011, I served as the deputy captain of the honorable service team for 2 years during senior high school.
In 2017 I entered the professional class of film production and directing at the Taiwan film producer association.
I have read 2 books
1. How to film 2. Screenplay The Foundations of Screenwriting
Then I worked with this class as a Script Supervisor and Set Coordinator.
In 2019, I finally got into the creative art design class for vocational training run by the Government of New Taipei City.
I learnt how to use functions of Photoshop and how to draw and paint.
My family’s members:
My father is the director of the construction site and my mother was a meter reading man from the water company.
My father has been in this construction industry for about 40 years.
My father is 62 years old and my mother is 54 years old.
My younger brother is 25 years old.
His major is architecture and interior design...now he is a deputy engineer.
I was born in Taiwan and I have been living in Taiwan.I’m single.
I'm 26 years old male and my hobbies include
learning music, English B1~B2 level and other languages all are A1 beginner level like French, Russian, Japanese and korean.
and watching movies(I like "Edge of Tomorrow" and "BEFORE I FALL " this kind of movie) and TV series like “The Flash”.
and often shopping (Costco )
with family.
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