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会员名houyuan   (M001775)
擅长的语言(1)汉语, 普通话 [Chinese, Mandarin]
擅长的语言(2)英语 [English]
欲学习的语言(1)德语 [German]
学习方式电子邮件 (E-mail)
简讯 (行动电话)
在线聊天 [Windows Live Messenger(MSN)]
在线聊天© [Google Talk]
在线聊天 [其它如Skype, AOL/Aim, QQ, Jabber, ICQ...等]
叙述Language provided: Mandarin Chinese
Language needed: German
Education of provider: Undergraduate
Career: International school teacher
Gender: Male
Contact: houyuan(steven710407) on SKYPE, [email protected]

Hallo! Hello! This is Houyuan AKA Steven. I'm a high school teacher and currently learning the beauty of speaking German. Also I'm planning to go to Visit Germany for some months in late September. So, what are you waiting for? If you are interested in learning Chinese and you are a native German speaker, come make friends with me and let's talk on Skype! Please find Houyuan or Steven710407 on skype. See you there!
留言给 "houyuan"