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会员名政仔   (M001360)
擅长的语言(1)汉语, 普通话 [Chinese, Mandarin]
欲学习的语言(1)英语 [English]
学习方式电子邮件 (E-mail)
传统书信, 笔友
在线聊天 [聊天室]
在线聊天 [Windows Live Messenger(MSN)]
在线聊天 [其它如Skype, AOL/Aim, QQ, Jabber, ICQ...等]
叙述Hello! I'm a Taiwanese who is good in Chinese and like to strengthen my english ability. If you're interested in Chinese and good in English then we can language exchange and become good friends! ^__^
留言给 "政仔"