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会员名Koma   (M001749)
擅长的语言(1)汉语, 普通话 [Chinese, Mandarin]
擅长的语言(2)汉语, 闽语 [Chinese, Min]
欲学习的语言(1)英语 [English]
欲学习的语言(2)西班牙语 [Spanish]
学习方式电话, 行动电话, 视讯电话
在线语音聊天 [Windows Live Messenger(MSN)]
在线语音聊天 [Skype]
叙述Hey I'm from Taiwan and am looking for a partner to practice my English speaking. My mother tongue is Mandarin and Taiwanese so whomever is interested in these two languages please contact me. Hope to hear from you soon :)
留言给 "Koma"