会员资料       个人资料 >> 语言交换模式

会员名Standly   (M000323)
擅长的语言(1)汉语, 普通话 [Chinese, Mandarin]
欲学习的语言(1)英语 [English]
欲学习的语言(2)日语 [Japanese]
欲学习的语言(3)意大利语 [Italian]
语言交换地点(1)台湾 :: 台中市
叙述Hello everyone nice to meet you here. I'm Simon who lives in Taiwan and wants to language exchange with you. If you want to know about Taiwan or travel in Taiwan , I can help you reach all the information you need. If my time is avalive , I can drive you in central of Taiwan. Wish can make some friendship with you.
留言给 "Standly"