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会员名Proofreader   (M001503)
擅长的语言(1)英语 [English]
擅长的语言(2)西班牙语 [Spanish]
欲学习的语言(1)汉语, 普通话 [Chinese, Mandarin]
学习方式电子邮件 (E-mail)
传统书信, 笔友
简讯 (行动电话)
在线聊天 [聊天室]
在线聊天 [Windows Live Messenger(MSN)]
在线聊天 [Yahoo! Messenger]
在线聊天© [Google Talk]
在线聊天 [其它如Skype, AOL/Aim, QQ, Jabber, ICQ...等]
叙述I can correspond with you in any of the above modes, if you request. I prefer to handle this work though email. I am as interested in you learning the language as giving you great service. My Skype is - gordonhilljr - but please text me first so I can schedule in a time to speak to you.

Thank you,
Gordon Hill
留言给 "Proofreader"